Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kevin Love is a Beast

Is Kevin Love the next Kevin Garnett? Or better? Love has emerged this year as an early-season MVP candidate, a 22-year-old who is one of the few bright spots on a struggling Timberwolves roster.

Love's rebounding this year, over 15 and a half a night, is better than Garnett's career high of 13.9 back in his 04-05 MVP year. And in December, Love is scoring 24 per game while pulling down an astronomical 17 boards. He put up a 30-30 game against Amare Stoudemire and the Knicks November 12.

Right now, the only thing separating Love from being the best big man in the game is the fact that he plays for the lowly T'Wolves. He isn't yet at the level of Dwight Howard quite yet because Howard leads the now perennial contender Orlando, as well as the fact this is Love's breakout year, so he isn't established yet like Howard.

Will Love play the role Garnett did for the main part of his career as the standout PF for the Timberwolves, the face of a basement team? Their paths could end up being virtually the same if in the later part of his career leaves for a contender and gets a ring.  It doesn't look like he'll get one in Minnesota anytime soon, but what the young rising star guarantees every night is a 20-15 performance.

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