Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yet Another Questionable Tweet

A few days ago I wrote about Rashard Mendenhall's comments; yesterday it was Reggie Bush making a fool of himself. What the Saints running back said can be interpreted to speak volumes about his work ethic, or lack thereof.

On Monday, Bush shared his thoughts on the current lockout: "Everybody complaining about the lockout! Shoot I'm making the most of it! Vacation, rest, relaxing, appearances here and there! I'm good! Right about now we would be slaving in 100 degree heat, practicing twice a day, while putting our bodies at risk for nothing."

Basically, what Bush said is he would much rather just relax than do his job as an NFL player. Instead of working out constantly like the many of the dedicated players, he is just enjoying himself. He's been a no-show at the workouts organized by QB Drew Brees, that over 40 of his teammates have attended. This is possibly because he is frustrated the team drafted Mark Ingram to take his place. But it's all okay: he was just joking, he later clarified.

Maybe all that separates Bush from being an NFL starter is his work ethic, and dedication to the game. But until he starts acting more seriously about his job, Mark Ingram is going to take away any opportunity for Bush to break out faster than either of them can run a 40.


  1. The only reason that he doesnt want to work is because he thinks mark ingram took his job and at this rate he could possibly be a third string or be cut

  2. Yep. Chances are the Saints will cut Bush; as he is due 11M next season. He's given up on New Orleans, and their fans have given up on him.

  3. Ya he probably busted his chance of being a starter just like vince young except different circumstances
