Monday, January 23, 2012

The Nasty Side of a Game

Yeah, Kyle Williams muffed yesterday.

He received death threats.

Honestly, what is wrong with people? Football is a game. Sure, Williams failed at his job yesterday. But football is a game. I can't imagine anyone having so little sense, so little compassion for another human being. What do the lunatics sending these messages think about themselves?

Williams' father, Chicago White Sox GM Kenny Williams, explained how he had to tell his wife, Kyle's mother, to expect having to deal with this on his way out the door in the morning.

People criticizing Williams need to get some perspective on things. He didn't do his job yesterday, no. But football is entertainment. He's not an air traffic controller, a sinking cruise ship captain, or a surgeon. What Williams did yesterday was equivalent to your favorite TV show director writing a bad script for last night's episode.

Sure people value their sports. I'm a diehard fan too. I get it. But do people really wish to end a man's life for a miscue in a game? What a disgusting world we live in.

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